Monday, June 25, 2007

New Math uncovers iPhone flaw.

There's less than four days to go before the iPhone's release, and 8,000 bloggers have been frantically searching for a silver bullet that will put the iPhone out of their misery. They can all take a deep breath, and relax; because I found it.

The iPhone's 4GB memory can hold 800 songs at the default 128k encoding, and 400 songs at the new 256k "Plus" encoding. 400 songs translates to 1200 minutes or 20 hours. There are 24 hours in a day, and the iPhone's "new improved" battery can power 24 hours of audio playback. An iPod addict will run out of Tunes before the battery dies. THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is a real honest to goodness flaw! Actually, you don't even have to be an addict to listen to 24 hours of music between recharges; the 24 hours don't have to be contiguous. A user can sacrifice 3 hours of audio playback for 30 hours of standby time, and still run out of music before the battery dies.


This leaves the iPhone buyer with a conundrum: buy the 8GB iPhone in order to hold 40 hours of iTunes+, or stick to iTunes basic in order to cram 40 hours of music into the measly 4GB of the standard iPhone.

Third option: remove tongue from cheek. I'm tired of reading that the iPhones memory is too small, when I can't name many cellphones with more than 8GB.

How many friends do you have that will sit through 8GB of baby pictures? That's over 2000 pictures (I'll concede that you might have friends that will look at 2000 wallet sized porn pictures, but don't expect to find any of those friends in my contact list).